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Times Are Changing! My Thoughts on a Student-Centered Learning Approach…

Being an education student in an education system is a very unique experience — we are simultaneously the teacher and the learner. This dual perspective allows us to critique, question, and explore the functions of the learning system that surrounds us. For me personally, this has been an incredibly valuable experience. It has helped me to better understand the teacher I want to be and it has shed light on the ways I would like to see the education system reformed. The film titled Most Likely to Succeed is a beautiful representation of a student-centered learning approach, which I believe is the way of the future. The film presents a reimagined education system where standardized schooling is shifted towards a series of personalized learning networks (PLNs). This student-centered learning approach prioritizes tangible learning over disposable content knowledge. It moves away from standardized testing and towards a system where creativity and innovative thinking is celebrated. 

I am convinced that this student-centered model is the future of education. The film highlights the importance of project-based learning and the development of soft skills (otherwise known as non-cognitive skills). Examples include the ability to collaborate with peers, communicate effectively, and think critically. I believe that project-based learning fosters passion and deeper engagement for students. Making space for students to explore their interests with personalized support makes their learning both authentic and powerful. This is exciting to me as a future educator! The times are changing, and it’s important that we consider ourselves, too, as learners. There are numerous potential benefits to developing a robust PLN, primarily fostering happier, healthier, more resourceful, and resilient young individuals.

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